Tracing Skills and Personal Attributes: Employers’ Demands from the Communications Graduates

Mary Ann Pescante-Malimas 1 *
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1 University of San Carlos, Philippines
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp. 162-178.
OPEN ACCESS   1747 Views   2318 Downloads   Published online: 10 Oct 2017
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This study identifies the employers’ requirements on the skills and personal attributes of the Communication graduates by analyzing the job advertisements in SunStar Daily newspaper, Sunday issues from January 2011 to June 2015 using content analysis. Results show that varied positions with no required experience and with experience are available. Several companies ranging from schools, publishing companies, hotels, car stores, and industrial companies are the prospective employers of these graduates. Moreover, the general communication skills, computer skills, organizational and planning skills, customer service skills, and team skills emerged to be very significant in the industries. Likewise, personal attributes such as individuals who are self-motivated, creative, flexible, and responsible are highly specified. Thus, the results of this study can be used as basis for curriculum evaluation and creation of training needs, and as well as craft a better understanding and compatibility between the industries and the universities producing Communication graduates.


Pescante-Malimas, M. A. (2017). Tracing Skills and Personal Attributes: Employers’ Demands from the Communications Graduates. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 7(4), 162-178.


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