Tribal Language and Community Radio: A Case Study on “Radio Mattoli” Wayanad, Kerala, India
B. G. Jithin Balu 1 *, A. Balasubramanian 2
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1 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, India
2 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Coimbatore, India
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 5, Issue September 2015 - Special Issue, pp. 160-170.
OPEN ACCESS 2493 Views 2425 Downloads Published online: 01 Sep 2015
Wayanad is located in the Western Ghats as a north-east district of Kerala. The Wayanadan culture is mainly carved out from the different tribal communities. They do not have any basic infrastructure and the literacy level is very low. Most tribes do not have very much interaction with the outside world and hence the governments are helpless in upgrading their living standard. Radio Mattoli is a community radio started in the year 2009 with the aim of developing the socio economic and the cultural status of the marginalized society at Wayanad. In this study, the researcher could get a positive result on the reach as well as the impact of the community radio. Development of alternative medium for indigenous group not only helps in communicating local news and information, but it also helps in improving quality of life of the people.
Jithin Balu, B. G., & Balasubramanian, A. (2015). Tribal Language and Community Radio: A Case Study on “Radio Mattoli” Wayanad, Kerala, India.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(September 2015 - Special Issue), 160-170.
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