Turkish Series: Products of Popular Culture and Tools for Inclusive Globalization
Cansu Arisoy 1
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1 University of Salford, UK
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 129-142.
OPEN ACCESS 1866 Views 2727 Downloads Published online: 15 Jan 2016
The thoughts and experiences of people consist of meanings and while sharing these meanings people share their cultures. Globalization is the concept that increases the mobility of these meanings and cultures. Understanding culture, globalization, and international relations is critical for the future of not only governments, but also for people and businesses. Going beyond the classical definitions of globalization and creating a bond between this concept and popular culture is one of the aims of this paper. The main target is to analyze the rise of Turkish series by taking this relationship as the base. There are various interpretations for globalization and culture because these are not narrow, strait jacket concepts. Therefore this paper aims to present a fresh and understandable approach to the relationship between globalization and popular culture by using Turkish soap operas as the case study. According to this paper, besides the dominant cultures, other cultures too, contribute to the popular culture industry. In this context the impact of Turkish series in diplomacy is discussed. Today one of the biggest wars of humanity is making globalization a constructive power for the people all around the world. Therefore this paper is important because it underlines the value of the inclusive character of globalization. Thus in this work it is underlined that in today’s world which leisure became the basis for the modern lives; popular culture must be used to bring an inclusive character to globalization for embracing all the humans around the world.
Arisoy, C. (2016). Turkish Series: Products of Popular Culture and Tools for Inclusive Globalization.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(1), 129-142.
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