Understanding public opinion formation in Southeast Europe: Exploring social forces and communication dynamics

Todor Stojčevski 1 * , Urša Lamut 1 2, Erika D. Uršič 1 2 3
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1 School of Advanced Social Studies, Nova Gorica, SLOVENIA
2 Rudolfovo–Science and Technology Centre Novo Mesto, Novo Mesto, SLOVENIA
3 Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto, Novo Mesto, SLOVENIA
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Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 14, Issue 4, Article No: e202455. https://doi.org/10.30935/ojcmt/15171
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The article investigates the mechanisms through which social forces, networks, cognitive frames, and institutions shape public opinion in Southeast Europe via communication. Employing a qualitative approach, data was collected through synchronous focus groups conducted in six Southeast European countries. The findings reveal that social networks play a pivotal role in shaping public opinion, with organizational position and relationships influencing communication effectiveness. Cognitive frames significantly impact public perception, with entrenched beliefs guiding interpretation of information. Meanwhile, social institutions, such as language and communication rules, influence the clarity and accessibility of messages, thereby shaping public understanding. The research underscores the need for deeper research, ethical standards, and transparent communication to build and maintain public trust. Continuous engagement with the public and adaptability in communication strategies are essential for fostering mutual understanding and trust. This research emphasizes social forces’ complexity and overlapping nature in shaping public opinion and the strategic approaches required for effective communication in Southeast Europe.


Stojčevski, T., Lamut, U., & Uršič, E. D. (2024). Understanding public opinion formation in Southeast Europe: Exploring social forces and communication dynamics. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 14(4), e202455. https://doi.org/10.30935/ojcmt/15171


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