Understanding Smartphone Apps Usage among Young Adults in India

Saumya Pant 1 *, Anita Basalingappa 2
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1 New Delhi, India
2 MICA, Ahmedabad, India
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 6, Issue September 2016 - Special Issue, pp. 142-159. https://doi.org/10.30935/ojcmt/5666
OPEN ACCESS   1111 Views   827 Downloads   Published online: 01 Sep 2016
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The objective of this paper is to understand use of phone apps and attitude towards selection and use of apps among young adults. This study addresses the following questions: What is the usage behaviour of people when it comes to phone apps? What do consumers prefer more and why – phone apps or websites, across categories? What are the most common issues that users face while using phone apps? What constitutes consumer satisfaction when it comes to phone apps? What drives purchase intention for paid phone apps? How do app users define ‘value for money’ phone apps? Ten young adults in the age group of 21 to 30 years were interviewed through purposive and snowballing approach. Privacy and security of apps is important for this generation who are on their smartphone using apps all day.


Pant, S., & Basalingappa, A. (2016). Understanding Smartphone Apps Usage among Young Adults in India. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(September 2016 - Special Issue), 142-159. https://doi.org/10.30935/ojcmt/5666


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