University Students' Perception and Utilization of Technology for Learning: The Case of Haramaya University
Sisay Awgichew Wondemtegegn 1 *
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1 Haramaya University, Ethiopia
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 130-149.
OPEN ACCESS 2433 Views 2473 Downloads Published online: 24 Jan 2018
As technology has become more prevalent and accessible to students in their personal lives, learning experiences and interaction, it encouraged students to engage and generate innovative and creative ideas and sharing learning experiences. This paper examines university students` perceptions and utilization of technology for learning at Haramaya University in Ethiopia (as a case). The researcher used survey research design and questionnaire (students=298) as principal data collection instrument. The participant sampled using purposive, heterogeneity and systematic random sampling techniques. The collected data were analysed by descriptive (mean, percentage and frequency) and inferential statistics (t-test). Students` perception in relation to gender and their locality (rural and urban), and utilization of technology addressed by this study. The finding of the study revealed that there is no statistically significant mean difference between male and female students’ perceptions towards technology utilization for learning (t (296) = t -.102, p>0.05, p=0.919). This was the same for students who came from rural and urban areas (t (296) = t= -.126, p>0.05, p=0.900) and students have positive perception towards technology assisted learning. The paper revealed that students have been using technology for educational purpose and face challenges.
Wondemtegegn, S. A. (2018). University Students' Perception and Utilization of Technology for Learning: The Case of Haramaya University.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 8(1), 130-149.
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