Virtual Communities of Police Service Support: Providing SWOT Model in Line with the Order and Security
Fariba Azizzadeh 1 *, Yosef Latifi 1, Samira Azizzadeh 2
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1 Islamic Azad University, Iran
2 Bank of Dey, Iran
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 166-180.
OPEN ACCESS 1877 Views 1200 Downloads Published online: 26 Oct 2016
Nowadays by formation of virtual communities, people support public services by sharing their own information and experiences. This article used the information of a Persian website in which the question and answer cycle takes place. In this research was used content validity. This research was utilized participant observation methods and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. Results suggest that people offer solutions for problems of each other regarding police services, order and security. They also transfer their knowledge without any benefit and only intrinsic motivation explains such behavior.
Azizzadeh, F., Latifi, Y., & Azizzadeh, S. (2016). Virtual Communities of Police Service Support: Providing SWOT Model in Line with the Order and Security.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 6(4), 166-180.
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