Wither the Impact of Celebrity Endorsement
Karen S. Freeman 1 *, Cathy C. Chen 1
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1 Malaysia
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 5, Issue December 2015 - Special Issue, pp. 213-237.
OPEN ACCESS 5064 Views 9476 Downloads Published online: 01 Dec 2015
The advertising and entertainment industry have changed radically over the years. Celebrities today are much more influential and enjoy a much higher public profile than in the past. This includes not just actors or singers, but sports personalities and reality show stars. This ongoing public fascination with celebrities offers advertisers a wide range of creative ideas to attract audiences and has established celebrity endorsement as a popular promotional tool. This research seeks to evaluate the impact of celebrity endorsement on young adults in Malaysia. It examines the relationship between the key attributes of celebrity endorsers, based on the TEARS model, and consumers’ purchase intentions. These attributes are: trustworthiness, expertise, physical attractiveness, respect and similarity. The study adopts a quantitative approach, with a structured questionnaire as the main tool. Based on a survey of 318 young adults, the findings show that four of the five TEARS attributes significantly influence consumers’ purchase intentions; only one, expertise, does not.
Freeman, K. S., & Chen, C. C. (2015). Wither the Impact of Celebrity Endorsement.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(December 2015 - Special Issue), 213-237.
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