Media Coverage of Child Abuse and Child Protection in Ethiopia
Tseganesh Mulugeta 1 *
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1 Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
* Corresponding Author
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 86-99.
OPEN ACCESS 1959 Views 1716 Downloads Published online: 15 Oct 2014
This study examines the media coverage of child abuse and child prevention whether the media promote this issue as a vital part of the public agenda. It depicts on a content analysis of news and programs of Ethiopian Television Police Program broadcasted from January 2009 to January 2012. News and programs are taken as samples for the content analysis. The data revealed that the majority of the news items and programs were not focused on children rights and abuses. It is found that the media failed to give more emphasis on the child abuse issues. The news items analyzed in this study were focus on limited themes related with child abuse and protection. This indicates that the news items or the media failed to play its part in placing the issue of child abuse and child protection on the public agenda. The media has the role of creating opportunity for broader discussion on the public agenda. Thus, it must be an instrument for the public to gain a better understanding of what child abuse means. The media should highlight children‟s issues so that it can pressure policy makers and the public to uphold and respect children‟s rights.
Mulugeta, T. (2014). Media Coverage of Child Abuse and Child Protection in Ethiopia.
Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 4(4), 86-99.